Top 10 Articles To Help Improve Your Soccer Skills

Top 10 Articles To Help Improve Your Soccer Skills

So I (Quincy) gave you my backstory as to how my recruiting and Pro Soccer process went in a previous post.

That post was running long on it's own, so I was unable to also introduce you to Ross LaBauex. 

Ross is my Perfect Soccer business partner and ex Colorado Rapids teammate.

We met back in 2010 as teammates, and became best friends. 


MLS Cup Championship

(Photo of when we got to meet President Obama after winning the MLS Cup Championship)

 It was through Ross’ soccer recruiting story, how we created Perfect Soccer in the first place. Where we started out with our first book: The Ultimate College Soccer Recruiting Blueprint

The #AskASoccerPro Show

...and more tools and resources being added every month!

Ross’ expertise is his deep understanding of and passion for the game. 
So over the course of the last couple of years, he’s been helping me to build out almost all of our online written content.

Not only that, but if you have at any time ever sent in a question to our email, left a comment on one of our Perfect Soccer social media pages, or sent in a DM, you have most likely gotten a response directly from Ross.

He loves interacting with you and has spent a large amount of his time pouring his knowledge of the game into articles and videos and going live on the @Perfect_Soccer Instagram account daily to help improve your skills.

Here’s a list of 10 of some of his best articles/videos he’s written about the beautiful game so far:

If you have a topic that you would like discussed or a question we haven’t answered, please be sure to reach out to us and let us know!

We started our show "In Depth w/Ross" to answer your questions specifically, so don't hesitate to reach out.

To all the soccer success you're willing to work for :)

Quincy, Ross & The Perfect Soccer Team!

ps. Some of you may be interested in getting a FREE copy of our book, The Perfect Soccer Player Blueprint shipped to your house. You can get yours by going here.

As you'll see in the banner below, we've since launched The #AskASoccerPro Show! This is your chance to join our growing community and get your specific questions answered LIVE by pro soccer players every Thursday at 6pm PST 9pm EST on the @Perfect_Soccer Instagram account. Quincy uses this show to break down the MSL (Mental Strength League) and help you build a winners mindset. 
You can catch the best highlights and replays of every episode over on the Perfect Soccer Youtube Account, or directly at:
Catch you in the next live!
The #AskASoccerPro Show