Ngolo Kante is the best CDM in is why
1. His positioning
When you see Kante on the field, he is in the right spots. Because he's in the right spots, it makes the game a lot easier. Center defensive mids have to be in the right spots because it helps the players in front of them, and it also helps the players behind. Soccer is a tactical game now, and if teams see you're not tactically savvy, they're going to expose you, and if you get exposed, it's not a good feeling. The team doesn't play well, and it's just kind of ripple effect so when you watch him pay attention to where he is and how he moves in the positions puts himself in not only to help himself but his teammates I think that's definitely big characteristic of players who are great they just don't help themselves they help the people around them they make the players around them better and that is a perfect recipe for success
2. His tackling
In this position, you have to win tackles, and you have to win duels missed tackles means opportunities for the other team. Once they get by you and running at the back 4, it's trouble, and you don't want that. I never want to hear height as an excuse when playing CDM. Kante is probably 5'5, and he is a killer on the field. Breaking things up and not allowing the other team to get into a rhythm.
3. His selflessness
He's a team player, and I know we want to get ours, and we want to impress, and we want to be the big guy. But sometimes what's required is you take a back seat, and you know your role you know your position, and you plan it to the best of your ability. if you can play that to the
best of your ability you'll find success on the field, and you'll get on the field, and you'll do some extra things and and
4. His heart
Heart, you can't teach it. You can't teach hustle. You have to go out there and want it more than your opponent. You have to have this unwavering confidence that no matter what happens, you are going to work your butt off, and when it's all said and done, you can step off that field with your head high because you gave it you're all. You have to hustle, and you have to do things that other players aren't wanting to do. Hustling is one of them! A lot of talented players that don't work hard enough. It's up to you to decide what player you want to be!