How I was included in a recruiting class that had 3 top 10 recruits in the nation!
Get Recruited in Top Soccer Recruiting Classes
Going through the college soccer recruiting process, my primary goal was to get college soccer coaches interested in wanting my services as a player. The problem was; I didnt feel I was good enough to be recruited to the schools I was interested in attending. The schools I wanted to go to were all top 25 programs and had very impressive accolades. The players they were recruiting all had regional or national team experience; I had neither.

I then told myself, I needed to not doubt myself, and I needed to be proactive. I needed to somehow grab coachs interest, and not have it be based solely on soccer performance. I needed to market myself, in a way that would have coaches begging to have me be apart of their program, and not the other way around.
Ross LaBauex
Perfect Soccer Recruit
I decided that I needed to be fearless, and I needed to develop a get recruited game plan. I needed to be well versed on everything there was to know about the university, the soccer program, NCAA rules, camps, training etc. I needed to be 10 steps ahead of every step in the college soccer recruiting process.
I needed to be passionate, in a way that coaches had never seen before.
I knew that college soccer coaches deal with hundreds of players yearly. And depending on what schools I was interested in applying too, they could potentially have players committed years out. I knew it was that competitive and I needed create a way to be seen even though I didnt play at the level of top recruits.

I was scared at first, and I was inside my own head. I saw the number 1 recruit in America commit to one of my top 3 choices. That had me thinking they wouldnt be interested in me and what chance do I really have to play there? It was a tough time for myself, but a time that truly was a defining moment in my life. I did not let this detour me from my goals I used it as motivation.
Motivation to learn every single aspect of the college soccer recruiting process, and use that knowledge to put myself in position to earn a soccer scholarship to the school of my choice.
My mom always taught me that if someone tells you NO, then you have to figure out a way to make that no, a YES!
So thats what we did. We figured out exactly what college soccer coaches are actually looking for in potential recruits. I used that in conjunction with all the information I set out and learned to create my very own college soccer-recruiting blueprint for success.
If you would like to see exactly how I went from being a no name, average soccer player with no recruitment offers, to over 30 universities offering me soccer scholarships to play for their programs
Well breakdown the entire college soccer recruiting process so you understand what it actually takes to get recruited to the soccer program of your choice. (Theres much more to it than how good of a player you are Im proof of it!) So CLICK HERE to everything you need to know.
In the college soccer recruiting process you will have your ups and downs. Always remember, that you have what it takes to succeed, and never doubt yourself. The moment I realized my worth I made the decision that I wouldnt stop until my dreams came true. Its that mentality that put me on the path to becoming a 3-year starter, and a 2-year Captain of one of the best College soccer programs in the nation!